Russian Minor

The Russian Minor in the Department of Comparative Literature is open to undergraduates in all seven colleges. The Minor allows students to explore an interest in Russian language, literature, and culture. Requirements for the Minor are proficiency in Russian language, and four non-language courses, as specified below.

Russian Language Program

Language requirement:

There are three ways to satisfy the requirement of proficiency in Russian:

  1. Complete RUSSA 1121RUSSA 1103RUSSA 1122, and RUSSA 1104 in the first year, and RUSSA 2203 and RUSSA 2204 in the second year.
  2. Complete RUSSA 1121 and RUSSA 1122 in the first year, and RUSSA 1125RUSSA 1126,  RUSSA 2203 and RUSSA 2204 in the second year.
  3. For those who place out of RUSSA 2204: Complete RUSSA 3305 or RUSSA 3306 or RUSSA 3308 or a Russian literature, history, or government course with reading in Russian. If the literature, history, or government course does not include reading in Russian, this can be done through a supplementary section, such as RUSSA 4491.

Russian language courses taken abroad or at American summer programs may be counted towards this requirement if they are aimed at achieving similar proficiency levels.

Non-language courses:

At least two of the four non-language courses must be in Russian literature, and at least one must have reading in Russian. (Reading courses offered by the Russian Language Program cannot be counted towards any portion of the literature requirement.) The two remaining courses may be in Russian literature, or students may choose Russia-related courses in other departments, for example, Linguistics, History, and Government.

Students who complete the minor requirements will have it represented on their transcript.

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